
Mike Vlahopol & The Crossroads!

We Will Cover Your Night, Tonight!

We are offering our friends and partners a unique night split in 3 sets where we are recreating a small but interesting music history lesson on fast forward.

  • 1st Dance Set  

– Oldies but Goldies – starting with the ‘50’s, ‘60’s we will play Blues, Swing and Rock ’n Roll

  • 2nd Dance Set

– Old & New Modern songs mixed in a cool variety of both new and old songs from the ‘70’s until 2040… – with Pop, Funk and Disco

  • 3rd Dance or Head Banging Rock Set

– Optionally we can transform the 3rd set from a dancing set in a Rock concert with some of the best hits in the last 40 years of Melodic Rock good music, IF you are a Rock lover than you know what we are talking about.

– Occasionally depending on the type of your party we agree to play less than 2 or maybe 4 sets instead of 3 and that because we are probably the most flexible band you’ve met. 🙂

We prefer to come with our own equipment even our own partner DJs, because there is one big important factor in our shows –

CHEMISTRY within the team that organizes your event.

Get in touch with us and don’t forget to ask us about a copy of our play list! You will get one along with other details of your show. – Contact US